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Household Waste

Curbside Collection

Household waste (garbage) is picked up at the curbside of the road every week. The date your garbage is picked up depends on where you live in Brockton.

Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays
Brant and Walkerton West (West of Yonge Street and Valleyside Drive) Walkerton East (East of Yonge Street) Greenock

View the Garbage Collection Map which displays which day household waste (garbage) is picked up in areas of Brockton. 

Household waste pickup is provided by Bruce Sales and Service of Chesley (519-363-3811)

Household waste must be:

  • In a clear plastic bag - no tinted or black bags will be accepted
    • One opaque, or solid coloured, privacy bag is permitted within each clear garbage bag. This bag can be no larger than a kitchen catcher or grocery bag (20” x 22”).
    • For additional privacy, your garbage can be placed in a trash can at the road.
  • A Brockton bag tag must be affixed to each clear garbage bag
  • The maximum weight per bag is 40 lbs
  • Household waste must be placed at the road by 6:30am on the day of pick up

If your household waste is not picked up, the bag tag will be marked to explain why it was not picked up. Recyclables, hazardous waste, electronic waste, leaf or yard waste will not be picked up and are banned from the landfills.

If you are cleaning out your house, garage or basement, remember to dispose of hazardous waste in an environmentally safe manner and help keep environmental contaminants out of our landfills and waterways.

Remember the BUD rule:

  • Buy only what you need - consider purchasing non-hazardous, natural alternatives instead
  • Use it all up - use it up before you start a new bottle or container
  • Dispose it properly - hazardous waste does not belong in our water ways or landfill!

Hazardous Material List 

Material Types Symbols Examples
Corrosive Materials Corrosive Symbol Batteries, Drain Openers, Oven Cleaners
Flammable Materials Flammable Symbol Gasoline, Antifreeze, Paint, Oil, Solvents, Propane Tanks
Reactive Materials Reactive Symbol  Aerosols, Pool chemicals, Ammonia, Bleach, Fluorescent bulbs and tubes
Toxic Materials  Toxic Symbol Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Cleaners

2025 Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule

View the 2025 Bruce County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule. Residents of Bruce County are welcome to attend any of the locations.

Walkerton/Hanover Resident Collection Schedule 

The Household Hazardous Waste Day Events are provided on behalf of the Walkerton/Hanover Waste Management Committee. The events are free to the residents of Walkerton and Hanover. 

Waste must be received in sealed containers as there will be no onsite bulking. Packaging such as cardboard boxes and totes will be returned to residents. Empty metal paint cans are blue box recyclable. Sharps or syringes will not be accepted.

The 2024 Household Hazardous Waste Collection for Walkerton/Hanover residents have concluded. The 2025 dates will be added in the future.

Bag tags are available at the following retailers and are $2.50 each effective January 1, 2024.

Location Address
Cargill Country Variety 205 Main Street, Cargill
Hanover Foodland  236 10th St, Hanover
Northside Pantry  7 Bruce Road, Hanover 
Circle K Convenience 13553 Bruce Road 10, Hanover
Municipal Office 100 Scott Street, Walkerton
Paisley Freshmart 436 Queen Street N, Paisley
Towne Convenience 410 Durham Street E, Walkerton
Walkerton Independent Grocer 1200 Yonge Street S, Walkerton
Walkerton Foodland 125 Durham Street E, Walkerton

Please note that only clear bags with Brockton bag tags will be picked up. 

Each household in Brockton is charged an annual Waste Management Fee. This fee is applied to the Final Property Tax Bill and was started in 2012 for all residential properties. The funds collected through this fee are set aside in a reserve fund to deal with costs related to future landfill closure and capital expenditures. These fees do not offset waste collection or disposal costs in the current operating budget.

To assist with this process, waste diversion will extend the lifespan of the landfills and is the best opportunity for residents to actively participate in keeping our landfills.

If you own a multi-residential building and your third party waste hauler or collector does not dispose of waste in Municipality of Brockton landfills, you can apply for an exemption to the Waste Management Fee.

To apply for an exemption, please complete the following form and submit it to the Municipal Office: Waste Management Fee Exemption Form.

Contact Us

Municipality of Brockton
100 Scott Street, P.O. Box 68, 
Walkerton, Ontario N0G 2V0, Canada

Phone: 519-881-2223,
Toll Free: 1-877-885-8084,
Fax: 519-881-2991

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