Payment with your Credit Card or Debit Card can be made using Paymentus Customer Payment Portal.
Please be advised that all payments processed through Paymentus are charged at 2.5% service fee which is added to your total prior to processing. Payments must be greater than $1.00.
Enter Account Information
When using Paymentus to make a payment:
- Select the payment type.
- Enter your account number.
- Enter and re-enter your email address (this is the email that the payment receipt will be mailed to).
- Click Continue
- If the information is correct, you will be directed to enter your payment information.
- If the information does not match our records, and error message will pop up. Review your information to ensure accurate entry. If the error persists, please contact the Municipal Office for assistance at 519-881-2223.
Enter Payment Information
- The First and Last Name will pre-populate based on the primary owner of that account. The current total amount due on the account will also pre-populate based on the account information entered previously. Please change any information to reflect who is paying the account. You can also change the amount you wish to pay, if desired.
- Enter phone number (this field is mandatory).
- Select the payment method (either Debit Card or Credit Card).
- Enter the card information in full.
- Click continue.
Confirm Payment
A summary of your payment method, date, payment amount and the service fee will display. Please be advised that the service fee does not reflect on your account with the Municipality and is in addition to the payment amount.
- Read the Payment Authorization Terms.
- Click the check box to authorize the payment including the service fee. (Required)
- Click Pay
Payment Confirmation/Payment Failed
A payment confirmation screen or payment failed screen will appear. If the payment has failed, the funds will not be made to the account.
You can proceed to make another payment on the account or return to the Municipality of Brockton website home page.