Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) conducts regular monitoring of surface water to record long-term trends as well as nutrient and microbiological content (including phosphorus, nitrates, chloride, suspended solids and E. coli). SVCA also maintains a series of wells to monitor the quantity and quality of groundwater across its jurisdiction as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network.
Maintaining these long term data sets enables SVCA to:
track the causes of degradation to surface water quality
determine the effectiveness of conservation efforts
monitor groundwater sources
prepare drinking water source protection plans
determine water allocation
monitor potential climate change impacts
Watershed Report Cards
All Ontario Conservation Authorities (CA) are responsible for producing a “Watershed Report Card.” These Report Cards help to share information with the public and give managers a standard evaluation tool to help them make decisions.
These report cards examine more than water quality, they also update us on ecosystem and watershed conditions and watershed health.
In Brockton there are many individuals and partners working to manage our fresh water. In this section you'll find information about programs, tips for conserving water and information about regional water quality monitoring. In May 2012, Brockton Council passed a by-law to regulate the application of fertilizer to protect water quality around our inland lakes.
Conservation Ontario created a Drinking Water Source Protection video providing more information about where your drinking water comes from, and the role everyone plays in helping to protect our sources of drinking water. Watch the video to learn more!
The Source Protection Programs Branch of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change launched a Source Protection Information Atlas Website (SPIA) in January 2017. This interactive mapping tool has been improved to provide additional support for the implementation of source water protection efforts by our program stakeholders.
The information atlas displays more than 1,100 wellhead protection areas and intake protection zones, with features that allow you to easily search, customize and access vital source protection science and policy information.
The enhanced atlas provides added layers of information including a series of jurisdictional boundaries. We are most excited about the new watercourse flow direction feature that can help users to understand how a spill would travel along a body of water, and a new tool enabling users to upload and view their own local datasets on top of the provincial layers.
The Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) is a centre of excellence, ensuring safe drinking water throughout Ontario through research, training and testing. Since its inception in 2004, it has trained over 80,000 people in clean water management, and serves remote First Nations communities as well as more urban centres throughout Ontario.
An agency of the provincial government, the WCWC was created in the wake of the e-coli tragedy in Walkerton in May 2000. The building is LEEDS certified and is well-equipped to meet the hands-on training, research and technology needs of Ontario's drinking water sector.
Tours can be arranged by appointment. Contact the Walkerton Clean Water Centre at 519-881-2003.
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