The Municipality's Committee of Adjustment is a Committee of Council and is responsible for considering applications for minor variances to the zoning by-law.
Boards and Committees
Committee Meeting Calendar
Most Committee Meetings are included on our website calendar. Please contact staff if you require Committee Minutes that are not available on the website.
Current Committee Appointments
Joining a Committee:
In Brockton, caring and kindness are part of our day-to-day life. If you are looking for a way to make a difference in our community consider becoming a member of one of Brockton's various boards or committees. Committees provide advice and recommendations to Council on a variety of issues.
Thank you for your interest. The Municipality will advertise any available recruitment opportunities on our Committees. At this time, there are no available recruitment opportunities.
Brockton Committee Listing
The Municipality's Court of Revision meets in accordance with Section 97(1) of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17 to consider Municipal Drains.
Advisory Committees of Council
The Brockton Accessibility Advisory Committee is formed to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 which requires every municipality having a population not less than 10,000 to establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee is responsible for making recommendations to Council that considers the needs and rights of persons with disabilities and assures maximum integrated accessibility for all citizens.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee will fulfill the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 by providing vision and advice to the Council of the Municipality of Brockton to create an accessible and inclusive community.
View more information on the Accessibility Advisory Committee Mandate in By-Law 2022-087 - Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference By-Law.
The Bradley Community Centre Board is a Recreation Advisory Committee of Council and is comprised of local volunteers, and one council representative. This group manages the activities events and budgets for the former Bradley School house. The mandate of the board is to manage and maintain the former Bradley schoolhouse to provide a safe and enjoyable Recreation Facility for residents and guests in the community.
The Board establishes and monitors an annual Budget and coordinates fundraising efforts for the sustainability of the community center. The Municipality of Brockton provides an operating municipal grant each year towards the maintenance of the Facility.
Brockton and Area Physician Recruitment and Retention
Since April of 2005 the Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee has been a formal sub-committee of Brockton Council and a short time later was joined by representatives from the Municipalities of South Bruce and Arran-Elderslie. South Bruce still is a member but Arran–Elderslie has since opted out of the Committee.
The committee was formed because of the acute need to attract and retain doctors and other medical practitioners to the area. The municipalities support the efforts of the committee in many ways as well as providing financial assistance.
The aim of the Brockton Child Care program is to provide an environment where each child is given the opportunity to experience social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth.
The Brockton Child Care Centre Committee is committed to supporting the goals of the Brockton Child Care Centre in creating an environment which helps young children get the best start in life by ensuring high quality early learning experiences.
The Committee acts in an advisory and promotional capacity to the administration, in working with all levels of government and in building links with education, public health, the community and parents, with the aim of helping children to be successful in school and later in life.
The Committee may also undertake or recommend activities for the purpose of raising funds for equipment, maintenance, or other resources needed by the Brockton Child Care Centre.
View more information on the Brockton Child Care Committee's Mandate in By-Law 2023-055 - Amend Brockton Child Care Committee Terms of Reference By-Law.
The Brockton Heritage Committee is as an advisory Committee of Council, representative of the community and recognized as the legitimate vehicle for coordinating and conveying community Heritage concerns. It plays an important role by enabling the community to participate more directly in the decision making process.
The role of a Heritage Committee is a dual responsibility;
- To the Municipality - to advise Council on heritage issues as defined by the statutory requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act and the requirements set out in the Heritage Section of the Official Plan as well as other assigned duties as defined by Council
- To the citizens of Brockton - to help ensure that plans for change and progress are developed in a manner that recognizes the historical continuity of the community.
View more information on the Brockton Heritage Committee's Mandate in By-Law 2021-087 - Brockton Heritage Committee Terms of Reference By-Law.
The aim of the Brockton Parks and Recreation Committee is to enhance the quality of life for the residents and guests of Brockton through the provisions of facilities, recreation, leisure (trails) and parks (trees) and program services.
The Brockton Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is to advise and support the efforts of the Brockton Parks and Recreation Department and staff on all aspects of the provision of leisure and recreation services throughout the Municipality of Brockton, and promoting and maintaining communication with the public on parks, trails and recreation needs.
The Brockton Parks and Recreation Committee is a Committee of Council, acting as an advisory body to the Council regarding use and needs of Brockton’s parks and recreation facilities.
View more information on the Brockton Parks and Recreation Committee's Mandate in By-Law 2022-034 - Brockton Parks and Recreation Committee Terms of Reference By-Law.
Elmwood Community Centre Board
The Elmwood Community Centre Board (ECCB) is a joint collaboration between the Municipality of Brockton and Municipality of West Grey to manage recreation programs and operations of the Elmwood Lions Park, Elmwood Community Centre hall, ball diamond and adjoining park lands.
The Board is comprised of councillor representation from the Municipality of West Grey, and Municipality of Brockton, as well as members from the general public, including representation from the Elmwood Chamber of Commerce, as set out in a Joint recreation Agreement for the Elmwood Community Centre.
The ECCB develops and maintains an annual operating and capital budget with financial assistance from the Municipality of Brockton and West Grey.
Hanover/Walkerton Waste Management
The Walkerton Hanover Waste Management Committee is an Advisory Committee of Council. The Committee provides input into the operation of the Walkerton/Hanover Landfill and recommends innovative ways to divert waste from the landfill. The Walkerton/Hanover Landfill is only available for use of Walkerton and Hanover residents.
Members of this committee include one council member and one staff member from the Town of Hanover and one council member and one staff member from the Municipality of Brockton, along with a member of the public from each Municipality.
Community Improvement Plan Review Group (Not a formal committee)
The Community Improvement Plan Review Group review applications submitted within the Community Improvement Plan for the Municipality of Brockton.
Walkerton Clean Water Legacy Fund Scholarship Review (Not a formal committee)
The Walkerton Clean Water Legacy Fund Scholarship Review Group review applications submitted for the Walkerton Clean Water Legacy Fund Scholarship within the Municipality of Brockton.
Ad Hoc Committees of Council
The aim of the Project Management Committee is to assist with project planning for new facilities within the Municipality of Brockton.
The Project Management Committee will provide input into asset management of Municipal facilities, including studies, or agreements entered into by the Municipality.
The Committee will also annually review the goals and strategies of the Municipality’s municipal facilities, including Asset Management Plans, and to provide advice and guidance to the Chief Administrative Officer and/or Director of Community Services on matters pertaining to the maintenance of existing municipal facilities and the development of new municipal facilities.
View more information on the Project Management Committee's mandate in By-Law 2023-096 - Project Management Committee Terms of Reference By-Law.
Boards/Liaison Committees of Council
Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling (BASWR)
Bruce Area Solid Waste Recycling is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the environment of their customers. The partnership was established by, and remains possible through the co-operative spirit of its member municipalities.
In 1989, the Towns of Port Elgin and Southampton, along with the Township of Saugeen formed a committee to look at the feasibility of recycling.
The present recycling plant was completed in November 1990 and the first two special collection trucks were on the road. Blue Box recycling was a reality in Bruce County.
Bruce Area Recycling has grown considerably since 1990 and currently, we are proud to service 87% of Bruce County.
In 1999 Bruce County municipalities were amalgamated and current BASWRA membership includes: Arran- Elderslie, Brockton, Huron Kinloss, Kincardine, Saugeen Shores, South Bruce, and South Bruce Peninsula. BASWRA is a Liaison Committee of Council.
The Ontario Government is implementing changes to the Provincial Recycling Programme.
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
The Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Committee reviews the implementation of the Grey Bruce Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. [VERIFY LINK]
Saugeen Mobility and Regional Transit (SMART)
SMART is a local specialized public transit service dedicated to the mobility needs of the mentally and physically challenged, elderly and frail residents of Arran-Elderslie, Brockton, Hanover, Huron Kinloss, Kincardine, Saugeen Shores, Southgate, and West Grey.
SMART provides non-emergency medical, employment and social transportation for individuals and groups. SMART has a modern fleet of 14 vehicles including 8 accessible vans and 5 buses.
The SMART Board is a Liaison Committee of Council and its membership is made up of Mayors of the eight (8) participating municipalities.
The Saugeen Municipal Airport Committee is a Liaison Committee of Council. Members of the committee are council members representing Brockton, West Grey and Hanover as well as public members. The Municipality of Brockton entered into an agreement with the Municipality of West Grey and Town of Hanover for the maintenance of the Saugeen Municipal Airport as per By-Law 2005-57. The Saugeen Municipal Airport is situated in Brockton and services the surrounding area.
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) Board is a Liaison Committee of Council. The SVCA is one of 36 Conservation Authorities across Ontario and represents those communities within the Saugeen River Watershed. Each member municipality has representation on the Authority Board.
South Bruce OPP Detachment Board
The Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 required that there be an Ontario Provincial Police Detachment Board for each detachment that provides policing in a municipality or First Nations community.
The South Bruce OPP Detachment Board established under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 replaced the previous Police Services Boards and governs municipalities in South Bruce.
The Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, and Municipality of South Bruce form the South Bruce OPP Detachment Board.
The South Bruce OPP Detachment Board will be composed of 5 Council Seats, 2 Community Representatives and 2 Provincial Appointments for a total of 9 seats. The Municipality of Brockton's Council representative on the Board is Councillor Tim Elphick.
For additional information on South Bruce OPP Detachment Board
Westario Power is an energy distribution corporation with a mission to build a quality, customer focused organization.
Westario Power provides safe, reliable cost-effective services and products achieving sustainable growth while respecting the community and the environment. As a member municipality, Brockton's Mayor represents us on the Board.
For more information on our committees, please contact the Clerk's Office.
Contact Us
Municipality of Brockton
100 Scott Street, P.O. Box 68,
Walkerton, Ontario N0G 2V0, Canada
Phone: 519-881-2223,
Toll Free: 1-877-885-8084,
Fax: 519-881-2991
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