2023 Audited Financial Statement
2022 Audited Financial Statement
2022 Audited Financial Statement for Walkerton Business Improvement Area
2021 Audited Financial Statement
2020 Audited Financial Statement
2019 Audited Financial Statement
Public Engagement Survey - Asset Management Plan
The Municipality of Brockton is committed to providing a high quality of life and exceptional services for our residents. As our community evolves, we must invest your tax dollars wisely to maintain and improve our infrastructure, including roads, bridges, water systems, parks, and municipal services. Your input is crucial for strategic planning and asset management.
Our financial reports are prepared each year. We take great pride in producing accurate reports and ensuring financial information is shared with the public as soon as possible.
Audited Financial Statements
The consolidated audited Financial Statements for the Municipality of Brockton are prepared by the auditing firm of Baker Tilly (Collins Barrow) LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants in Walkerton.
Financial Information Returns (FIR)
Each year, the Finance Department prepares a Financial Information Return (FIR) for the Municipality of Brockton that is submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. This report provides a basis for comparison across the 444 municipalities in Ontario.
Document Accessibility
We have made every attempt to make documents accessible but there may still be difficulty in recognizing all of the information. Please contact us if you require assistance and we will make every attempt to provide this information in an alternate format.
Contact Us
Municipality of Brockton
100 Scott Street, P.O. Box 68,
Walkerton, Ontario N0G 2V0, Canada
Phone: 519-881-2223,
Toll Free: 1-877-885-8084,
Fax: 519-881-2991
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