For more information on rentals, please contact our office directly at 519-881-0625 or by emailing
Pool rental information can be found HERE.
Please scroll down for more details on Rentals, Splash Pad Information, purchasing a Tennis/Pickleball Membership and more!
Baseball Diamonds
Diamonds can be found at Cargill Community Centre, Elmwood Community Centre, Lobies Park and Walkerton Community Centre,. Please scroll down to view more information on Baseball Diamonds, addresses, lighting, booking and more.
Kinsmen Splash Pad
The Kinsmen Splash Pad is located in Centennial Park, Walkerton. The splash pad is open from Victoria Day Weekend (weather dependent), and open daily from 9:00am to dusk. More information on the Splash Pad can be found below, including general rules and guidelines.
Bruce Power Soccer Fields
Located in East Ridge Business Park. Here you can find 5 full-sized pitches, an accessible washroom facility, covered pavilion and concession booth. More information can be found below.
Rent the Pool, Baseball Diamonds or Soccer Fields
For more information on rentals, please contact our office directly at 519-881-0625 or by emailing
Pool rental information can be found HERE.
Brockton's Splash Pad is located at Centennial Park (10 James Street, Walkerton ON), and opens Victoria Day weekend (weather dependent). Daily hours are 9:00am to dusk. Please read below for general rules and guidelines:
No smoking
No food, drinks, dogs, skateboards, roller blades, wheeled shoes or bicycles on the splash pad
Children must be supervised at all times. The splash pad is not supervised.
Swim suits and/or appropriate attire must be worn. Infants and toddlers must wear swim diapers
Footwear is recommended
No climbing on spray equipment
In case of lightning or thunder, vacate the area immediately
No soap, detergent or shampoo is allowed on the splash pad
If you have a communicable disease, open sores or skin infections do not use the splash pad
Please use the splash pad at your own risk
Cargill Community Centre: 999 Greenock-Brant Townline, Cargill; 2 diamonds, one with lights.
Elmwood Community Centre: 38 Concession Road 10, Elmwood; 1 diamonds one with lights.
Lobies Park: 20 Hannah Street, Walkerton; 1 small diamond.
Walkerton Community Centre: 290 Durham Street West, Walkerton; 3 diamonds with lights.
Outdoor Tennis and Pickleball Courts
Location: 10 James Street, Walkerton ON.
Each player must purchase a drop-in pass or seasonal membership, in order to enter the courts.
Please click below to purchase. After purchasing, a receipt will pop-up on your screen; before closing the receipt make sure to click "Print Receipt" and find your **Access Code** on the top of your receipt!
Please note, each Spring the opening of the courts will be announced on social media. The opening is dependent on many factors including weather and staffing.
Location: 50 Eastridge Road, Walkerton ON
Visit the new and improved Bruce Power Soccer Fields, located in East Ridge Business Park and home to 5 soccer pitches, accessible washrooms, a pavilion and concession booth.
If interested in playing soccer or sports in Brockton, please visit the Community Groups Page.
Contact Us
Municipality of Brockton
Community Services Department
(Parks and Recreation)
290 Durham Street West, P.O. Box 850,
Walkerton, Ontario N0G 2V0, Canada
Phone: 519-881-0625
Email Community Services
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