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Community Garden

Community gardens provide a unique opportunity for individuals and families to grow a variety of fruits and vegetables close to home! Brockton's Community Garden was established in 2012 and is located on municipal land north of the Walkerton Fire Hall. 

Plots and Fees

Type of Garden Plot Size 2025 Fees +hst
Raised Bed 4' x 8' $33.00
Garden Bed 10' x 10' $38.25


Reserving Garden Plots

If you are a returning gardener wishing to reserve your plot, please complete our Community Garden Agreement and Guidelines and submit in person or email  to the Parks & Recreation Department.
All plots must be paid in full when submitting your form. Cash, cheque, debit and credit accepted. 
Many gardeners return year to year, however a number of plots become available each year.
To inquire about availability please contact Parks and Recreation office at 519-881-0625 or email us.

Garden Guidelines

  • Chemical pesticides, herbicides, and poisonous substances should not be used in the Brockton Community Garden
  • All dogs must be on leash while at The Municipality of Brockton Community Garden Property
  • Brockton Community Garden does not allow Marijuana Plants to be planted on Brockton Community Garden Plots

Benefits of joining a community garden

  • More inclusive community by providing a chance for people to meet and work together
  • Healthier diets due to eating locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Physical and mental health: gardening is part of a healthy lifestyle and outdoor physical activity can help relieve stress
  • Easy access to affordable food
  • Food skill development through sharing ideas from various cultures
  • Enhanced environmental awareness; people learn that growing food locally means less use of fossil fuels compared to importing food

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