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Centennial Park Pool, Walkerton Ontario

Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lesson Registration will open at 7:00am on April 16, 2025!

Swimming Lessons 2025

Swimming Lesson Registration

Centennial Pool Address: 10 James Street, Walkerton ON

Swimming is an essential life skill and excellent way to be active, stay healthy and have fun! Centennial Pool is open every summer during the months of June, July and August. If interested in Swimming Lessons, Brockton’s Lifeguards are trained to provide quality care and guidance through every level. Please contact the Recreation office if you have any questions.

Email or call us 519-881-0625 x 2 (to contact the pool directly please call 519-881-0318)

Private and Semi-Private Lessons

Private Lessons are available for swimmers of all ages (children and adults) who need assistance mastering a particular skill or stroke. Private lessons are available in 1 week, daily 5 lesson booking blocks (Monday-Friday). All lessons are 30 minutes in length.  

*If interested in Multiple Private Lessons at the same time, please contact our office directly at 519-881-0625 x 2.*

Semi-Private Lessons are available for 2 swimmers who are within one swimming level/ability from each other. i.e. Eligible swimmers may be in Swimmer 3 and Swimmer 4, or Preschool A and Preschool B. At the time of booking please book one swimmer in your preferred time slot. Afterwards you must contact the Recreation Department (519-881-0625 x 2 or to add the additional swimmer, as our registration system does not have this capability at this time.

Private Session Fee (1 Swimmer): $110.65 (5 Lessons) or $88.54 (4 Lessons, Holiday Weeks)

Semi-Private Session Fee (2 Swimmers): $191.80 (5 Lessons) or $153.46 (4 Lessons, Holiday Weeks)

Group Lessons

For 2024, Brockton's Group Swimming Lessons are available from Preschool A to Swimmer 10! Swimming Lessons run over a 2 week duration, on a daily basis. There are many dates and times to choose from, including Morning's and Evening's. Full details can be found by clicking the "Register Here" link above! Start by selecting your preferred 2-week date range, select the Swimming Level of interest, and then Time of interest. 

Lesson sessions run in 2 week durations (daily). Private (and semi-private) lessons run in 1 week durations (daily)

Parent & Tot (30 Mins): $72

Preschool A - Swimmer 4 (30 Mins): $79

Swimmer 5 - 10 (45 Mins): $85 

Cancellations received more than 14 days before the start date of the program or activity can transfer their registration to any alternative Lesson or Brockton recreation program, accept an account credit (no expiry), or receive a full refund.

If a cancellation occurs less than 14 days before the start of the program or activity, there will be a 20% Non-Refundable Administration Fee, with the remining 80% refunded as an account credit. 

Cancellations and refund requests should be received in writing via email to, or by phone during business hours (8:30am - 4:30pm) by calling 519-881-0625 x 2.

Please Note: 

  • Low enrollment in camp or swimming lessons may result in cancellation or general program changes. We reserve the right to cancel or alter camps, lessons and programs if necessary, including unforeseen circumstances. Every effort will be made to avoid these changes.
  • Should 3 or more swimming lesson cancellations occur in one session, a make-up class will be scheduled. 

Preschool Lessons:

PRESCHOOL A | 3 to 5 yrs

Preschoolers develop a foundation of water skills with the instructors. Swimmers jump into chest-deep water assisted. Floating on front and back, and glides with assistance for 3 seconds. Shallow water movement wearing a PFD. Fitness swim 1-2m unassisted.


PRESCHOOL B | 3 to 5 yrs

Preschoolers jump into chest-deep water and get in and get out wearing a PFD. They submerge and exhale under water. They glide on front and back 3m and with a buoyant aid, will flutter kick on back 5m. Fitness swim 2-4m unassisted.


PRESCHOOL C | 3 to 5 yrs

Preschoolers try both a jump and a side roll into deep water while wearing a PFD. They recover objects from the bottom in waist-deep water. They work on kicking and gliding through the water on front and back unassisted. Fitness swim 5-7m unassisted. 


School Age Lessons:

SWIMMER 1 | 6 yrs +

Swimmers become comfortable jumping into water with and without a personal flotation device. They open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. They work on floats, glides and kicking on front and back. Fitness 7 swim is 5-7m unassisted. 


SWIMMER 2 | 6 yrs +

Swimmers jump into deeper water, and become comfortable entering the water sideways wearing a personal flotation device. Swimmers support themselves at the surface without an aid, recover an object in chest-deep water. Fitness swim is 10-15m.


SWIMMER 3 | 6 yrs +

Swimmers develop front and back crawl strokes, and explore whip kick in a vertical position. Swimmers tread water for up to 30 sec and learn to transition from front to back flutter kick. Fitness swim is 20-25m.


SWIMMER 4 | 6 yrs +

Swimmers work towards stride dives and standing dives into deep water. They improve front crawl, back crawl, whip kick strength and technique. Swimmers are introduced to a 3m underwater swim. Fitness swim is 50m. (2 lengths of the pool.)


SWIMMER 5 | 6 yrs +

Swimmers shallow dive into deep water and perform in-water back somersaults. They achieve the Canadian Swim to Survive Standard: roll into deep water, tread 1 min and swim 50m. Swimmers continue to develop front and back crawl while breaststroke skills are introduced. Fitness swim is 100m.


SWIMMER 6 | 6 yrs +

Swimmers increase efficiency in front crawl, back crawl, and work to develop breaststroke skills. They are introduced to stride entries, scissor kick and vertical dolphin kick. They also develop strength and power by performing front and back crawl sprints. Fitness swim is 150m.


SWIMMER 7 | 6 yrs +

Swimmers master dolphin kick, diving off of blocks and eggbeater. They are introduced to sculling and continue to maximize efficiency in front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Fitness swim is 300m.


SWIMMER 8 | 8 yrs +

Swimmers rise to the challenge of advanced aquatic skills including head and foot first surface dives and a 25m obstacle swim. First aid  skills begin to be incorporated in this level. Assessment of conscious victims, contacting EMS and treatment for bleeding will be covered. They swim lengths of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Fitness swim is 350m.


SWIMMER 9 | 8 yrs +

Swimmers continue stroke development with 75m swims of front crawl, back crawl and breast stroke. Lifesaving skills include a rescue with a buoyant aid and a timed object support. First aid skills include assessment of unconscious victims, treatment of victims in shock and obstructed airway procedures. Fitness swim is 500m.


SWIMMER 10 | 8 yrs +

Swimmers develop each stroke over 100m. They also learn lifesaving skills such as entries with aids, and removals of unconscious victims. First aid focuses on treatment of victims with bone and joint injuries, and the first aid component focuses on respiratory emergencies. Swimming drills develop a strong lifesaving foundation. Fitness swim is 600m.


* If your child is 11 or 12 years of age or older, Bronze Star is recommended instead of Swimmer 10 pending abilities. (We are not offering Bronzes this summer but this would be the next step).


Class full? Join a waitlist!

If you are trying to register for a class that is currently full, please join the waitlist for the level closest to the day and time you prefer. Waitlists assist staff when evaluating demand for future planning. Waitlists are addressed one to two weeks prior to the start of the session and monitored during the first week for last minute cancellations. Staff will contact waitlisted participants if a spot becomes available, or if it is possible, 8 to create an additional class. 

Instructors & Assistant Instructors

All classes will be taught by a certified Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor. Our Instructors have spent over 200 hours taking courses and volunteering in Aquatic Instructional Programs to prepare them to teach your children. 

First Lesson

In our effort to ensure that your child receives the best possible instruction, we ask that you review the 1st lesson information sheet emailed to you. As well, we ask that you bring your child’s most recent report card to the first lesson. This will help your swim instructor tailor their classes to effectively meet the needs of each child.

Progress Evaluation

All participants in swimming lessons are evaluated on an ongoing basis throughout the session. Participants who complete all of the required skills will complete the level. 

Swimming Attire

  • All patrons must wear appropriate swimming attire suitable for a public family environment.

  • Swimming attire is defined as clothing that is clean and used specifically for the purpose of swimming. 

Did You Miss a Lesson?

Swimming lessons may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Make up lessons are not available due to participant absence. 

Did You Miss a Lesson Due to Weather?

Centennial Pool will close and/or cancel programming at the first sign of any inclement weather including; heavy rain/wind, thunder and lightning. Should 3 or more swimming lesson cancellations occur in one session a make-up class will be scheduled. 

For real-time cancellation and closure updates follow our Facebook & Instagram pages. Registrants will be notified of lesson cancellations through email. If you are unsure or have questions, please contact the pool directly at 519-881-0318. 

Swim Lessons Prescreening (SCRIBE)

What level should you register in?

If you are unsure on what level to sign your child up for, it is highly recommended to schedule a prescreen time to have your child’s swimming ability assessed. Staff members will evaluate your child’s swimming abilities and recommend the appropriate level. 

Call 519-881-0318 to arrange a time.   

Appropriate Levels

Your child’s instructor may recommend a change in level if they feel your child is not registered in an appropriate level. Staff reserve the right to move a child if circumstances dictate.

Healthy Swimming Etiquette

    • Shower before you swim! Everyone must take a cleansing shower with soap and water before entering or re-entering the pool
    • The use of photographic devices in prohibited in the showers, changerooms and washrooms 
    • Food and drink is not permitted on the pool deck. Only water in a plastic container is permitted
    • Bring clean flip flops or sandals to wear on deck
    • All patrons must wear appropriate swimming attire. Swimming attire is defines as clean clothing used specifically for the purpose of swimming

A pool fouling will force a closure of the pool anywhere from 1-24 hours. Here are some helpful tips to keep the pool clean: 

    • Wash thoroughly with soap and water in our showers before entering the pool
    • Make sure your child goes to the bathroom right before entering the pool
    • Take your child on frequent bathroom breaks
    • Use swim diapers - this are mandatory for children who are not fully toilet training, typically children three years of age and younger
    • Check your child's swim diaper often
    • Do not go swimming if you have been sick in the past 48 hours

 Pool Rules

  • No person having a communicable disease or open sores on their body shall enter the pool
  • No person shall bring a glass container onto the deck or into the pool.
  • No person shall pollute the water in the pool in any manner, and spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool or on the deck are prohibited
  • No person shall engage in boisterous play in or about the pool
  • The location of a telephone that is available for emergency use is in the Front Lobby of the facility
  • Three whistles signal an emergency, please clear the pool immediately
  • Please walk on the pool deck
  • A cleansing shower from head to toe with soap must be taken before entering the pool
  • Proper bathing attire must be worn, no street clothes
  • All patrons not swimming, must remain in the spectator area. Patrons are not permitted to sit on the pool deck.
  • Centennial Pool (Municipality of Brockton) is not responsible for lost or stolen items

Centennial Pool will close and/or cancel programming at the first sign of any inclement weather including; heavy rain/wind, thunder and lightning. No refunds available. 

Should 3 or more swimming lesson cancellations occur in one session a make-up class will be scheduled. 

For real-time cancellation and closure updates follow our Facebook & Instagram pages. 

Registrants will be notified of lesson cancellations through email. If you are unsure or have questions, please contact the pool directly at 519-881-0318. 


Come Home To Community...

Accessibility at Centennial Pool in Brockton!

Accessible Ramp

Hours of Operation

Summer 2025

Monday 8:15am - 8:30pm | Tuesday 7:00am - 8:30pm | Wednesday 8:15am - 8:30pm | Thursday 7:00am - 8:30am | Friday 8:15am - 8:30pm | Saturday 10:30am - 3:00pm | Sunday 10:30am - 3:00pm

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