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Brockton Community Improvement

The Municipality of Brockton updated its Community Improvement Plan in August 2022 to add new incentives for business owners and expand the CIP area to incorporate parts of Walkerton, Chepstow, Cargill, Pinkerton and Elmwood, and for some programs, for certain programs and the entire municipality for others. 

The purpose of a CIP is to target an area within a municipality for strategic improvement. A CIP document establishes how and what tools will be used to improve the project area, and enables a Municipality to provide local incentives such as grants, loans and property tax cancellations under the authority of Section 28 of the Planning Act and Section 365.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001.

Brockton enacted a CIP for Historic Walkerton in 2014, offering downtown businesses incentives to improve their properties through programs offered by the Municipality and the County of Bruce, through its Spruce the Bruce program. The objective of the updated CIP is to broaden the scope of incentives and the geographic area covered in the plan to allow more eligible businesses and property owners to take part.

The CIP update provides a framework to encourage the rehabilitation and repurposing of existing commercial, industrial, institutional and heritage buildings and structures, improvement of commercial signage and facades, energy efficiencies, accessibility improvements, and the redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties and buildings, particularly for projects that address the need for more attainable housing.

It also supports the County’s expanded Spruce the Bruce program, allowing all eligible businesses in Brockton to apply.

The updated CIP allows for six financial assistance programs to registered owners or tenants of land and buildings within the Community Improvement Area that will assist with:

  1. Building façades
  2. Signage improvements
  3. Accessibility improvements
  4. Energy efficiency
  5. Conversion or expansion of vacant or underutilized spaces
  6. Farm-gates

Interested in applying for funding? Please review the Brockton Facade Improvement Guideline as a first step.

For more information please view the Updated Brockton Community Improvement Plan.

Looking to improve the look of your business, add a new sign, go green, add accessibility features, or reimagine your vacant or underused space converted into something new?

Are you an agri-business wishing to attract more roadside customers, expand the retail side of your business, or explore value-added agriculture? 

The Municipality offers several financial incentives to help local business owners achieve these goals. The following six programs are available annually, on a first-come, first-served basis, through Brockton's updated Community Improvement Plan: 

  • Brockton Facade Improvement Program
  • Brockton Signage Improvement Program
  • Brockton Accessibility Improvement Program
  • Brockton Environmental Stewardship and Energy Efficiency Program
  • Brockton Farm Gate Improvement Program
  • Brockton Vacant or Underused Property Conversion or Expansion Program

View the programs below to find out if you're eligible. Work started before a grant application is approved may be disqualified. Written estimates are required -- preferably from local contractors. Grant funding is contingent on the project being completed, and invoices paid. Businesses must complete their projects within 12 months of the grant being approved. 

Please note that none of these grants cover regular property maintenance. 

Brockton's full Community Improvement Plan was approved by Council and adopted in August 2022. 

Local businesses may also apply to Bruce County's Spruce the Bruce community development program. Businesses outside Walkerton may be eligible for the county's Industry Stream grants.


Brockton's Facade Improvement Program encourages businesses to restore or beautify the street-facing portion of their downtown properties, helping to preserve our heritage commercial districts. Work may include painting, replacement windows or doors, restoration of heritage features, brickwork, sanding, cladding or repointing, awnings, and other improvements. 

Funding: 50% of approved costs, up to $3,000

View our Facade Improvement Program Guidelines to find out if you may be eligible. 

Apply online through the Brockton Facade Improvement Application form. 

Brockton's Signage Program covers a portion of the costs of public facing signage on commercial properties in settlement areas of Brockton, such as downtown Walkerton, Chepstow, Elmwood, Cargill and Pinkerton. Designs and material used must be of high quality to enhance the character of these areas. Back-lit signs are not eligible for funding. All proposed signage must comply with the Municipality's sign by-law and permitting process.

Funding: 50% of approved costs, up to $1,500

View our Signage Improvement Grant Program Guidelines for more details.

Apply online through the Brockton Signage Program Application form.

Brockton is a community for people of all ages and abilities. Designing for accessibility improves access for seniors, families with young children, delivery drivers, and patrons and staff with disabilities. The Municipality will help fund the costs of improving accessibility for properties within Brockton to remove interior and exterior barriers to the public and comply with provincial accessibility laws and standards. Projects may include ramps, elevators, lifts, automatic door openers, visual fire alarms, upgrades to restrooms, or any other improvements that increase accessibility. 

Funding: 50% of approved costs, up to $2,000

View our Accessibility Improvement Program Guidelines for more details.

Apply online through the Brockton Accessibility Improvement Program Application form.

The Environmental Stewardship and Energy Efficiency Program assists commercial property owners with reducing their energy needs and improving conservation measures, contributing to a more "green" economy in Brockton. The municipality will help fund the retrofit of existing buildings for energy efficiency, or the addition of alternative forms of energy generation such as solar or wind devices.

Funding: 50% of approved costs, up to $3,000

View our Environmental Stewardship and Energy Efficiency Program Guidelines for more details.

Apply online through the Brockton Environmental Stewardship and Energy Efficiency Program Application form.

This program covers a portion of the costs for a public facing "farm gate" retail facility for eligible farms in rural areas of Brockton. It's intended to encourage the installation of new produce stands and signage, or the improvement of existing, seasonal farm gates that sell directly to the public. 

Funding: 50% of approved costs, up to $1,500

View our Farm Gate Improvement Program Guidelines for more details.

Apply online through the Brockton Farm Gate Improvement Program Application form. 

Brockton encourages the conversion and revitalization of vacant and/or underutilized commercial, industrial or institutional buildings to meet new community needs. The program aims to creatively repurpose and rejuvenate buildings of cultural or architectural significance, recognizing that they can serve new purposes to socially and economically benefit the community, by providing multi-unit housing, for example, or studio, office and retail space. The program will also help fund the conversion of a vacant or underused agricultural building for value-added opportunities to boost farm income. 

Please book a free consultation with municipal staff before applying to this program.

Funding: 50% of approved costs, up to $7,500

View our Vacant and Underutilized Properties Conversion or Expansion Program Guidelines for more details.

Apply online through the Brockton Vacant and Underutilized Properties Conversion or Expansion Program Application form.

Tax Increment Equivalent Fund (TIEF)

The Tax Increment Equivalent Fund (TIEF) program is offered through the Community Improvement Plan (CIP). The purpose of the TIEF program is to incentivize the development of medium and high density purpose-built rental units by providing a yearly grant for a period of up to five (5) years. The TIEF uses the future property tax gains generated by a development to help finance the actual development through the provision of grants. The value of the grant provided is equal to the incremental increase in property assessment and municipal property tax resulting from the improvements.

The grant is provided to the owner (registered or assessed), tenant or assigned third party, after the taxes have been paid in full. The grants will only be provided after the improvements to the property are complete and after the reassessment of the property by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has demonstrated an increase in the assessed value of the property. The pre and post improvement assessment and tax values will be used to calculate the incremental increase in municipal property tax revenue and the total value of the grant. The total payment shall not exceed the cost of redevelopment. The annual grant will be equal to a percentage of the tax increment paid for the Municipality’s portion on the property taxes, in decreasing percentages of the increment as follows:

  • Year 1 – 100% of tax increment (pro-rated)
  • Year 2 – 80% of tax increment
  • Year 3 – 60% of tax increment
  • Year 4 – 40% of tax increment
  • Year 5 – 20% of tax increment

There are two ways to apply for the TIEF:

  1. Submit via website: Sections 1 through 6 of the application form can be completed online by filling out the Tax Increment Equivalent Fund Application Form. Supporting documentation including your cover letter and Property Owner Consent Form, if applicable, can also be uploaded. Applying online is the preferred method, as it allows faster processing.
  2. Submit via email: Complete the PDF form and submit it and your supporting documentation via email to the Municipality of Brockton’s Municipal Services Coordinator.

An application for a TIEF must be made at the time of the Building Permit application and will be reviewed for compliance with the eligibility criteria established, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Building and Planning Manager/CBO.

To accept an application as complete, applicants must submit or attest to the following:

  • Complete and signed application form (not required if applying online)
  • Owner’s Authorization form, if applicable (included with application form, please upload with online application)
  • Cover letter (see details on application form, please upload)
  • Confirm that the approved Site Plan Agreement has been registered on title (including on application form or online application)
  • Confirm that a Building Permit Application has been submitted (included on application form or online application)
  • Confirm that an occupancy permit has not been issued (included on application form or online application)
  • Agree to enter into a legal agreement with the Municipality of Brockton if you are approved for a TIEF (included in application form or online application)

To be eligible for a TIEF, applicants must meet the following criteria as set-out in section 3.2(C) of the CIP. The assessed property value must increase by at least 25% after the project is complete for the applicant to receive the TIEF. Applicants must enter into an agreement with the Municipality for the TIEF program before work has begun; such grants cannot be retroactive.

View the Municipality's Community Improvement Plan

All applicants (non-profit and charitable organizations and market/for-profit developers) must meet the following requirements, in addition to those noted in section 3.2 (c) General Program Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Type of Housing Permitted: Purpose-built multi-residential medium and high-density housing. Projects can be standalone residential development or mixed-use.
  • Housing tenure permitted: Rental housing (where there is a landlord-tenant relationship, and tenants are recognized by the Residential Tenancies Act).
  • Affordability: While there is no requirement for inclusion of affordable units, it is encouraged.
  • Development Status: Projects must have received Site Plan Control approval. An application for the TIEF must be submitted at the time a Building Permit application is made. Applications for the TIEF can be accepted after Building Permit issuance but must be received prior to the issuance of an Occupancy Permit by Building Services.
  • Non-profit and Charitable Organizations: This program is available to both nonprofit and charitable organizations, and market/for-profit housing developers, or partnerships between them.
  • Density: Proposed development must meet or exceed the Walkerton’s Official Plan density requirements.

Once an application has been received, the applicant will be notified if any information is missing, or to confirm the application is complete and being circulated for review. Applications will be reviewed by Finance, Legal Services, and Building and Planning Department to verify the information provided and confirm eligibility for the TIEF per the CIP criteria.

We aim to review and confirm TIEF eligibility within three weeks of receipt of a completed application. Once staff have confirmed eligibility you will be notified in writing of your successful application, and then Legal Services will work with you to finalize and register the necessary legal agreement(s). Agreements may identify the required construction timelines to ensure that projects receiving a TIEF are committed to moving forward with their projects expeditiously.

Should you have questions regarding the TIEF application process or eligibility requirements, please contact the Municipality of Brockton Municipal Services Coordinator at 519-881-2223 Ext. 142, or email  the Municipal Services Coordinator.

Contact Us

Municipality of Brockton
100 Scott Street, P.O. Box 68, 
Walkerton, Ontario N0G 2V0, Canada

Phone: 519-881-2223,
Toll Free: 1-877-885-8084,
Fax: 519-881-2991

Email the Municipality

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